Could Your Web App Survive A Transplant?

Sometimes you need to move your code off of the computer you wrote it for and onto some other machine. A buddy wants a copy of your random D&D dungeon generator. A co-worker needs a copy of the billing software you’ve been working on. A client wants you to move their inventory software to a new system.

And when you get a job like this it quickly becomes apparent that some programs are easier to move than others. A simple Java application can be tossed onto just about any machine and stand a good chance of automagically working while a complex piece of legacy code might be almost impossible to move due to dependency on obsolete libraries or bizarre hardware requirements*.

Now unfortunately for us web developers, online applications tend to be some of the harder pieces of software to move from one computer to another. In general it’s not enough to just have a copy of the code moved to the new machine; you also need a copy of the right database and server along with the proper database table definitions and server config instructions.

And that’s just the starting point. The older and more complex your web app is the higher the odds are that it has developed dependencies of certain URLs, IP addresses, third party data feeds, server libraries and so on. At that point you’re no longer trying to move an application, you’re trying to relocate an entire digital ecosystem.

But I’m Never Ever Going To Move My Web App To A Different Computer

Now at this point you might be thinking to yourself “But Scott, web apps don’t need to move. You just install them on your server and let other people visit them through the Internet. That’s the whole point.”

And for the most part that’s true. If your web app runs properly on its current server it doesn’t really matter how hard or easy it would be to get a second copy of your web app running on a different server with a different URL.

Until one day you find out your website is so popular that it’s starting to slow down and you need to create a second copy and load balance between the two.

Or maybe someone offers to pay you a bunch of money to build a copy of your web app for their business.

Or maybe you find out you need a bunch of risky new features and you want to create a test server to run your changes on before you update the main server.

Or maybe you finally get enough funding to hire a second developer and now he needs to know how to set up a local copy of your online web app so he can start experimenting without taking down half your live database.

Take your pick. There are plenty of reasons that a complex website that you thought would always run on just one machine with just one URL might suddenly need to be split across multiple computers with various different access methods.

Oh No! How Do I Prevent This From Ruining My Web App?

Fortunately, there are ways to make your online applications easier to move and copy.

Probably the most important tip is: Avoid hard coding resource locations.

Hard coding the IP address of your database straight into your code will result in all sorts of headaches when some new developer comes along and wants to connect to localhost or a test database instead. Similarly hard coding the location of libraries (ex: /home/bob/businessapp/library/coolstuff.php) can lead to extreme frustration if your app ever ends up installed in a different location or even on a different operating system. You’ll wind up being forced to hunt down and replace dozens or hundreds of file references with new locations that match the new machine.

The fix for this is to store environment specific data like code paths and database connection credentials in some sort of variable instead.

//BAD! This will make it really hard to run this code on a different machine or OS

//BETTER! Now we can adapt this code to new machines by changing just one variable
$libraryPath = '/home/bob/businessapp/library/';

But where should you declare these environment specific variables?

Your first instinct might be to just store them in the same file where they are used. Put the database variables at the top of your database connection script or your library path at the top of the file that loads up all the support code for your framework.

But mixing up environment variables and code can be dangerous.

For instance, imagine you send your buddy a copy of your web app and teach him how to customize the connection information in the database file “database.php”. Then a few months later you find a bug in that code and have to send him an updated copy. He deletes his broken “database.php”, loads the new one and suddenly nothing works because deleting the old “database.php” file also deleted the customi connection information that pointed to his database.

But what if you instead had two files: a “database_connect.php” file that has the actual database logic and a “database_config.php” file that just holds a few variables for database location and authentication. You give your friend a copy of both and show him how to update “database_config.php”. A few months later you find an error in the logic of “database_connect.php” and send him an update. This time everything works perfectly because replacing the broken “database_connect.php” file had no impact on the customized variables your friend had entered into “database_config.php”.

This is the basic idea behind config files. Sometimes they’re text files holding values for the code to read. Other times they are actual code files filled with static variables. But no matter how they are written the goal is the same: to create a file that will never be overwritten by bug fixes or feature updates; a safe place for keeping track of machine and user specific information.

Keep that in mind when designing your next major web app and you should hopefully find yourself in a situation where copying or duplicating your program is as easy as copying some code and updating a few config files. And doesn’t that sound like a lot more fun than trying to manually find and replace dozens of hard coded references that keep trying to overwrite each other every time you install an update?


*  Example: Sometimes software, especially in embedded systems, keeps track of time by counting processor cycles. As you can imagine a program that thinks one second is equal to one million processor cycles will start acting really weird if you give it a processor that runs several times faster than that.

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game: Index and Code

JavaScript is a powerful programming language that’s built right into most web browsers. Because of this it’s rapidly become the default way to provide user friendly interactive web experiences. The Internet experience as we know it today wouldn’t exist without good old JS.

But who cares about silly little things like that? The real question is: Can we use it to program games? And thanks to the introduction of HTML5 elements like the “canvas” the answer is now a resounding “YES”.

So come along and join me as we program ourselves a simple JavaScript web game.


Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 1: Browser Games With JavaScript

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 2: The Canvas Of Dreams

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 3: Designing “Defrag Cycle”

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 4: V8 600HP Game Engine

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 5: Press Start To Play

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 6: When Worlds Collide

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 7: When Worlds Collide For Real

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 8: That Sinking Feeling

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 9: Look Before You Leap

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 10: Letting The World Pass By

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 11: This Post Isn’t About Malware, Honest

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 12: Making A STATEment

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 13: Some Much Needed Polish

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 14: A Winner Is You

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 15: The Computer Is Out To Get You

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 16: Do You Believe In Magic?

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 17: Can You Hear Me Now?

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 18: Moving Pictures

Let’s Program A Javascript 19: Cross Browser Chaos

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 20: BONUS STAGE!


You can play a complete demo of the game we’re building here:

To run the game locally so you can examine the code and make changes just download all the html, png and ogg files in this folder:

Let’s Program A Javascript 19: Cross Browser Chaos

Forgive me readers for I have sinned.

I wrote this entire series of articles using nothing but Firefox on Linux to test my code. Only now that we’ve reached the end of the project do I notice that when you try to open it with anything else it crashes.

I should have prevented this by testing every code update on multiple browsers like a good software developer, but late is better than never so let’s get this working in all browsers.

fastSeek Was A Bad Idea

You hopefully remember that we use the Audio class function fastSeek to rewind our background music and sound effects. Game over? Reset the music with fastSeek(0). Did the player stop grazing enemies? Reset the grazing sound effect with fastSeek(0).

But it turns out Firefox is the only browser that actually supports fastSeek. Every other browser will throw an error if you try to use it. So if you open Defrag Cycle in Chrome the whole game will freeze up the first time a sound effect has to reset itself because you either died or stopped grazing.

What other browsers prefer is for you to directly manipulate the currentTime variable inside of each audio object.

So instead of :


We need to do:


This also works in Firefox, so just replace all the fastSeek instances in your code with currentTime and you are now cross browser ready.

Sound Format Headaches

Try to open this Defrag Cycle in Internet Explorer and the game won’t even load.

This is because IE doesn’t support the Ogg audio standard and throws an error when you try to ask it to load a .ogg file.

After a bit more research it looks like the only file format that actually has universal browser support is mp3.

So easy fix, right? Just convert our two sound files to MP3.


It turns out there’s a whole bunch of really weird legal issues relating to using MP3. Basically if you make a game with MP3s that more than 5,000 people access you now technically owe $2,500 to the company that owns the patent on MP3 technology. You can read more about that here.

Now as hobby developers we probably don’t want to mess with the legal issues and cost of MP3.

Instead we’re going to stick with Ogg and modify our code to only try to load and play sound files when the user’s browser supports them.

Different Code For Different Browsers

This sound file problem, while frustrating, actually gives us a good opportunity to play with an important JavaScript feature: detecting the what the user’s browser can and can’t do and then running browser specific code.

This is an important technique in non-game related web development too. Not only do different browsers support different audio formats, they support different JavaScript functions and sometimes have conflicting support for things like CSS styling rules. So a lot of professional code starts by figuring out what browser the user has and then making slight changes to the page to make sure everything stays compatible.

For our needs we can rely on the canPlayType function of the Audio class. Give the function the name of an audio standard and it will return whether or not the browser can actually play it.

We can use this to improve our code to only load and play our .ogg files in browsers than support them, like so:

function loadGrazeSFX(){
   grazeSFX = new Audio();
      grazeSFX.oncanplaythrough = function(){ grazeSFX.oncanplaythrough=0; loadBackgroundMusic();};
      grazeSFX.src = 'wubwub.ogg';
function loadBackgroundMusic(){
   bgMusic = new Audio();
      bgMusic.oncanplaythrough = function(){bgMusic.oncanplaythrough=0;gameLoop();};
      bgMusic.src = 'Ouroboros.ogg';

Pretty simple, right? If the browser supprots Ogg audio we set up the code to load like usual. If it doesn’t we just skip straight to the next function in our loading chain.

We also need similar logic when we try to actually play our music so we don’t accidentally try to reset an audio file that was never actually loaded. So anywhere the code looks like this:


We need to expand it to look like this:


Now we only play and load music on browsers that can play and load music. We’re cross browser compatible again!

We Could Have Done That Better

I will be the first to admit that this isn’t particularly elegant code. Nor is it particularly good behavior to just completely drop our music and sound effects on a major browser like IE.

Now this is just a demo project so I’m not too torn up about the code being less than perfect. But if this was a serious project for a paying customer we’d want to be a little bit smarter.

So what could we have done instead?

Well, probably the smartest thing to do (that doesn’t involve buying a MP3 license) is to include multiple versions of each audio file on your server. For instance, IE may not play Ogg but it apparently will play MP4 and WAV.

Then when loading music you use canPlay to decide which file version to load. Ogg for Firefox and Chrome. WAV for IE. Things like that.

This also cleans up the code that plays the audio. Since you know the audio objects will get a file one way or the other you don’t have to worry about wrapping them up in tons of ugly if statements.

Now We’re Really Done… Please?

Looks like Defrag Cycle is running in all my browsers, so time to get back on track and wrap up this Let’s Program with a final post about where we can go from here.

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 18: Moving Pictures

Game animations are important.

First off, they look cool. Watching a warrior swing his ax is much more entertaining than just watching him sit still while you pretend he’s swinging his ax. (No offense to old school RPGs, of which I own an embarrassing amount.)

Second, they make the game feel more realistic. A character who stands perfectly still while falling hundreds of feet feels fake. It’s much more immersive when the character has billowing clothing or flailing limbs to drive home the fact that he’s falling.

Finally, and maybe most importantly, animations give the player information about what’s happening in the game. They show when and how enemies are attacking and give hints about what the character can and can’t do.

I mean, imagine a game with a two second delay between attacks that you just had to remember. Frustrating! Now imagine a game with a two second animation of your character reloading his giant shotgun after every attack. Now it’s easy to see exactly when you can and can’t attack.

Pseudo Code

Animations are created by showing related images one after another at high speed. Take four pictures of a walking man, cycle through them a couple times a second and the human brain will see one walking man instead of four different pictures.

But in a game it’s (usually) not enough to have one animation. You have to have multiple animations you can switch between as needed. If the player is walking along and suddenly hits the jump button you need to be able to instantly switch from your walking animation to your jumping animation.

But even with that complication the logic of 2D game animation is pretty simple:

  1. Store what animation state your sprite is in (ex: walking, jumping, shooting)
  2. Store how long it’s been in that state (ex: 17 frames)
  3. Use that information to decide what image to show (ex: jump-image-3)

Now in a professional game step 3 can get pretty complicated. A running animation might have logic that looks like:

  • If the sprite has been in “running” state for less than five frames show “warm up 1”
  • If the sprite has been in “running” state for between five and fifteen frames show“warm up 2”
  • If the sprite has been in “running” state for between fifteen and twenty two frames show “warm up 3”
  • If the sprite has been in “running” state for more than twenty two frames switch between “running 1” and “running 2” every three frames.

Fortunately for us our only goal is to make our virus enemies spin while being grazed. That means we only have to worry about two sprite states (grazed and not-grazed) and our step three logic is going to be a pretty simple cycle.

How To Store An Animation

To show an animation you need to quickly switch between multiple related images. And while you could create every one of these images as an independent file we’re going to be using a “sprite sheet” instead.

A “sprite sheet” is one large image made up of multiple, related images glued together. For example, here’s a sprite sheet showing four different stages of a rotating virus enemy:

Load this into your virusImage object instead of the old single virus graphic

Load this into your virusImage object instead of the old single virus graphic

We load the image into the game once and can then create an animation by drawing different parts to the screen at different times. In JavaScript we do this by adding extra arguments to our drawImage calls.

You hopefully remember that by default drawImage accepts three arguments: the image we want to draw and the x and y coordinates of where we want to draw it on the canvas.

But there is also a nine argument version of drawImage. The first argument is still an image. The next four arguments define what part of the image we want to draw by creating a rectangle inside of the image. Then the last four arguments define a rectangle inside of the canvas showing where we want our sub-image to be draw and what size we want it to be stretched to.

So to draw the third frame of our 50×50 rotating virus at canvas coordinate (127, 33) we would do something like this:

context.drawImage(virusImage, 100, 0, 50, 50, 127, 33, 50, 50);

This nine argument function is really just asking for an image and two rectangles.

This nine argument function is really just asking for an image and two rectangles.

In other words: Grab the 50×50 sub image found at point (100, 0) of the virusImage and then draw it inside a 50×50 square at point (127, 33) on the canvas.

Make It So

With that we’re ready to upgrade our viruses so that they spin whenever the player grazes them.

First off, let’s define a new constant at the top of our code to help us keep track of what animation state our viruses are in. Since at the moment they can only be in state “grazed” or “not grazed” we really only need one constant:

var VIRUS_GRAZED = 1; //Used to identify a virus that is being grazed

Now we drop down into the graze logic of updateGame and have the viruses keep track of their current animation state:

//Virus logic
for( i = 0; i < viruses.length; i++){
   //Have all viruses move towards the player

   //See if the player is grazing this virus
   if(intersectRect(viruses[i], grazeHitbox)){
      grazeCollision = true;
      viruses[i].state = VIRUS_GRAZED;
      viruses[i].state = 0;
      viruses[i].stateCounter = 0;

   //See if the player has had a lethal collission with this virus
   if(intersectRect(viruses[i], deathHitbox)){
      deathCollision = true;

This is mostly the same virus enemy logic as before. But now when a virus is grazed it will set it’s state to VIRUS_GRAZED and increment a counter. And when a virus is not grazed it will erase that state and reset the counter.

Now that we know which viruses are being grazed and how long they’ve been grazed we can update our virus drawing logic down in drawScreen:

//Draw viruses
//Virus has a 200 pixel wide sprite sheet with four different 50x50 rotations all in a row
for(i = 0; i < viruses.length; i++){
   //By default draw the first virus
   virusSheetOffset = 0;

   //If the virus is being grazed make it spin by switching between rotations
   if(viruses[i].state = VIRUS_GRAZED){
      if( viruses[i].stateCounter % 8 < 2){
        virusSheetOffset = 0;
      else if(viruses[i].stateCounter % 8 < 4){
         virusSheetOffset = 50;
      else if(viruses[i].stateCounter % 8 < 6){
         virusSheetOffset = 100;
         virusSheetOffset = 150;

   context.drawImage(virusImage, virusSheetOffset, 0, 50, 50, viruses[i].x, viruses[i].y, 50, 50);

Let’s analyze this by looking at the last line first:

context.drawImage(virusImage, virusSheetOffset, 0, 50, 50, viruses[i].x, viruses[i].y, 50, 50);

We always want to draw a 50×50 virus image at the x and y location of the current virus enemy. That’s why the last four arguments are viruses[i].x, viruses[i].y along with 50 width and 50 height.

We then choose between our four different virus sub-images by changing the “virusSheetOffset”. Since our sprite-sheet is just one big row we always leave the y coordinate of our frame as 0. Larger sprite sheets often have multiple rows and would need to calculate both an x and a y offset.

We choose our virusSheetOffest, and thus our sub-image, by seeing how long the virus has been grazed and switching every two frames. Four different sub-images at two frames each mean we complete a full cycle every eight frames so we calculate our current sub-image by using modulo eight to see whether we are at frame 0-1 of a cycle (image 1), 2-3 (image 2) 4-5 (image 3) or 6-7 (image 4).

Of course, all this only happens if the virus is being grazed. If not we just stick with an offset of 0 to get the default first frame. This means that only grazed viruses spin. The rest just sit there.

An Unrelated Tweak

Before we finish up this Let’s Program there’s one last little game flaw I want to fix.

Currently we start and restart the game by having the player press the up arrow key. Unfortunately if the player happens to already pressing the up key when he dies or wins he will immediately restart the game without any time to see the “game over”, “you win” or “start” screens.

To solve this I created a new global variable

var menuFrames = 0; //Has the player been on the menu long enough to press a button?

I then use this variable to force every menu screen to wait twenty frames before letting the player move on. Here’s an example from the win screen, but the other two functions were modified in the same way:

//Check to see if the user is ready to restart the game
//Slightly delay user input so they don't accidentally skip this screen
function updateWinScreen(){
   if(playerInput.up && menuFrames >= 20){
      gameState = STATE_START_SCREEN;
      menuFrames = 0;

Resetting the “menuFrames” counter before switching states is very important. Otherwise only the first menu of the game would have the input delay and then we’d be right back to being able to accidentally skip past important screens.


We now have a complete game that shows off everything from basic animations, collision detection and sounds to real-time world generation and physics simulations. You can play the full version here and I strongly recommend downloading the page source so you can see the complete code.

And with that done all that’s left is a few final thoughts on what to do next.

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 16: Do You Believe In Magic?

Black Magic

In computer programming a “Magic Number” is a number that has been hard coded into your program. Something like “myresults = 42 * myinput”.

This is a bad thing.

When your program needs a specific hard coded number (like the speed of light or the boiling point of water) you should put that number into a well named variable or constant and then use that name throughout your program.

Now let’s take a look at some common magic number problems, why they are bad and how to solve them with named variables.

First magic number problem: They can be hard to understand. Just looking at a number isn’t enough to tell you what it’s for, which can make reading code very hard.

//These magic numbers make it impossible to tell what this program is doing
function estimateFinalPrice(originalPrice){
   return originalPrice * 0.9 * 1.25 + 5.25;

//Switching the magic numbers to well named variables makes the function
//easy to understand
function estimateFinalPrice(originalPrice){
   var DISCOUNT = 0.1;
   var TAX = 0.25;
   var SHIPPING = 5.25;
   return originalPrice * (1 – DISCOUNT) * (1 + TAX) + SHIPPING;

Second magic number problem: they can be hard to tell apart. Imagine having to update a program with the same number hard coded in multiple places. Do all the numbers represent the same thing, or are they different things that just happen to have the same value? Should you update all the numbers, or only some of them?

//This function has three identical magic numbers... but are they all 
//the same thing?
function getVacationPrice(guests){
   var meals = getMealCost(3*guests);
   var parkPass = getParkCost(3*guests);
   var room = getRoomCost(3*guests);
   return meals + parkPass + room;

//Using well named variables make it obvious we are dealing with two different
//numbers that just happen to be the same... for now.
function getVacationPrice(guests){
   var meals = getMealCost(VACATION_DAYS * guests);
   var parkPass = getParkCost(NUMBER_OF_PARKS * guests);
   var room = getRoomCost(VACATION_DAYS * guests);
   return meals + parkPass + room;

Final magic number problem: They are hard to maintain. If one of your magic numbers needs to be updated you have to track down every place it appears in code, make sure it really is the number you think it is and then change it. That’s a lot of work for just doing something like changing tax rates.

Sure, you might think you could just use a find and replace but that’s a really bad idea. Try to replace “7” with “10” and you’ve also accidentally turned “17” into “110”. Or maybe you have two different magic number 7s and you only want to change one of them. Can’t do that with a simple find and replace.

//Good luck maintaining this thing! Forget to update one number and your
//program is broken
function tooMuchMagic(){
   var a = 7 * 7 * 24;
   var b = 7 – 24 * 7;
   return a * b / 7 +24;

//This is much better. You can just change one variable definition and 
//everything automatically updates
// Note, this is not real physics (as far as I know)
function noMagic(){
   var WAVELENGTH = 7;
   var FREQUENCY = 24;
   return a * b / WAVELENGTH – FREQUENCY;

Some Numbers Aren’t Magic

Before you go off and start adding constants to all your code we should admit that there are a couple circumstances where hard coding a number into your program is OK.

The basic rule of thumb is: If the number is small, unlikely to change and it’s obvious what it’s for then hard coding it is OK.

One big example is iterators. You start with a number and then add 1 to it until you reach some final goal like the end of an array. This is a pattern that everybody is familiar with so hard coding values is fine.

// Using a named variable for an iterator is overkill and ugly
var GOAL = 10;
var iterator = ITERATION_START;
while(iterator < GOAL){
   iterator = iterator + ITERATION_STEP;

//We all know how iterators work. Hard coding numbers is just fine
var GOAL = 10;
var iterator = 0;
while (iterator < GOAL){
   iterator = iterator + 1;

Other places that hard coded numbers are usually okay:

  • Simple array offsets, like getting position 0 from an array or using -1 to look at the last item.
  • Extremely well known facts like 1000 milliseconds in a second
  • Simple math, like doubling a number or raising something to the second power.
  • Inside math functions. Things like the quadratic equation are well known and don’t change, so hard coding them is fine. You can just type in “4”, no need to come up with a “QUADRATIC_EQUATION_CONSTANT_2” variable.

Time For A Witch Hunt

Now that we’re all up to speed on why magic numbers are bad it’s time to clean up Defrag Cycle. During early development and testing I hard coded a ton of numbers, but now that we’re trying to fine tune the game it’d be really nice to move everything into clean global variables that can be safely tweaked.

This will also have the advantage of making the code easier to read. I’ll probably even be able to get rid of some of my comments. No need to say things like “We’re adding 400 here because that’s how tall the screen is” when we have an obvious variable like “SCREEN_HEIGHT”.

I will include a link to a fully cleaned up version of the code at the end of this article to make up for the fact that I’m not going to show every single change I make.

Let The Hunt Begin

Looking at the top of our file we’re already using well named constants for platform generation, virus generation and the number of points needed to win the game. So there’s a handful of problems we don’t have to worry about.

Scrolling down almost a hundred lines we find our first magic number at the end of the gameLoop function: we hard coded in “50” for the number of milliseconds per frame. Even worse, we hard coded it in two separate places. And worst of all we later use a hard coded “20 frames per second” (the inverse of 50 milliseconds per frame) to calculate the display timer way down in both drawScreen and drawWinScreen.

Let’s fix that by creating a “MILLISECONDS_PER_FRAME” variable and inserting it into all three functions. Now we can speed up and slow down the game by just changing one global variable.

Next problem area is updateGame, and boy is it a problem area! We’ve hard coded how often the player gets points, how fast the player moves, how fast the player jumps, how fast the viruses and platforms move and included several hard copies of things like the size of the screen and the size of the player. There’s a lot here to fix.

First off is creating a FRAMES_PER_POINT constant and using that to calculate how often the player gets points. We’ll also want to use this constant down in the graze calculation area. Remember that we want the graze points to be awarded in between normal points, so instead of checking whether or not the currentFrameCount is evenly divisible by FRAMES_PER_POINT we’re going to check to see if there is a remainder equal to the halfway point between normal frames.

//Award bonus points if the player is grazing a virus
//Offset bonus point award frame from normal award frame
//This makes the point counter update twice as fast during a graze
   if(currentFrameCount % FRAMES_PER_POINT == Math.floor(FRAMES_PER_POINT/2)){

Math.floor is important for those cases where FRAMES_PER_POINT is odd. If FRAMES_PER_POINT is something like “5” the halfway point will be “2.5”. But since currentFrameCount and FRAMES_PER_POINT are both whole numbers you will never get a “2.5” remainder. You have to round down to “2” or the bonus points would never be awarded.

Next up let’s replace all those hard references to movement speeds:

var PLAYER_SPEED = 5; //The player's horizontal movement speed
var PLAYER_JUMP_SPEED = 15; //The upwards speed of the player's jump
var GRAVITY = 1; //How much the player accelerates downward per frame
var TERMINAL_VELOCITY = 15; //The maximum speed the player can fall
var PLATFORM_SPEED = 5; //How fast platforms move to the left
var VIRUS_SPEED = 5; //How fast the enemy viruses' move to the left

Once you’re done inserting all these speed constants into your code we’ll move on to removing hard references to screen and player size:

var SCREEN_HEIGHT = 400;
var SCREEN_WIDTH = 600;
var PLAYER_WIDTH = 75;

We can use the screen variables for drawing the background at the beginning of every draw function, for helping to check when the player is out of boundaries and to check when the player has fallen off the screen. Now we can adjust the size of the game screen by changing two variables instead of having to individually update multiple draw functions and boundary checks.

Player size constants are even more useful and can be used for checking screen boundaries, aligning the player with platforms and calculating hit boxes. For example, our new getFeetHitbox function looks like this:

// Get a 5 pixel tall hitbox all along the bottom of the player sprite.
// Used for detecting when the player has landed on a platform
function getFeetHitbox(xPos, yPos){
   var feetHitbox = new Object();
   feetHitbox.x = xPos;
   feetHitbox.y = yPos+PLAYER_HEIGHT-5;
   feetHitbox.width = PLAYER_WIDTH;
   feetHitbox.height = 5;
   return feetHitbox

This function will reliably create a hitbox all along the bottom of the player even if we change the size and shape of the player. Much better than the old version which only worked for player sprites that were exactly 48×75 pixels.

Notice that we still have a hard coded “5” inside this function. We’re going to just leave that there. It is never used outside this function, so maintenance isn’t a concern. Plus the function comment makes it very obvious what the 5 is for. So this one isn’t really a bad magic number.

The other hitbox functions also have local semi-magic numbers that I’m not going to remove for the same reasons.

Moving right along it looks like I’m still hard coding the height of new platforms along with the default spawning location of viruses and platforms. So let’s toss those into constants.

Let’s see… what’s left? Player spawn location is hard coded but that only shows up in one place and is easy to understand so we’ll leave that alone. The game intro, game over and game win screens all have hard coded drawing co-ordinates but I think that’s OK because it’s obvious they’re being used to arrange a specific screen and the co-ordinates are function specific and never reused.

So I guess we’re just about… wait! There’s still one last big problem.

Derived Constants

In our new platform generating code we have a constant “100” that represents how high the player can reasonably jump. We use this to set the minimum possible y coordinate that a new platform can have (it should never be so high that the player can’t jump to it).

You might think this is an easy fix. Just throw in a “MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT=100” and call it a day.

But our calculated safe jump height of 100 only holds true when the player can jump at 15 pixels per frame and falls at one pixel per frame per frame. If jump speed or gravity changes so will the player’s jumping height.

So we can’t just assign a number to the MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT constant. Instead we’re going to need a function that can calculate a max jump height based on the player speed and gravity constants.

It’s not hard to write though. We start by dividing jump speed by gravity to find out how many frames it takes for the player to stop moving upwards. Then we plug that into a basic distance equation, multiply by 0.9 to give the player a little breathing room on his jumps and use that for our constant.

// Calculate how high the player can jump
// Uses basic distance formulate: distance = velocity * time + 1/2 acceleration * time^2
function getMaxJumpHeight(jumpSpeed, gravity){
   var framesOfMovement = jumpSpeed/gravity; //How long until gravity overpowers the jump
   var maxJumpHeight = jumpSpeed * framesOfMovement - gravity/2 * framesOfMovement *framesOfMovement;
   return Math.floor(maxJumpHeight * 0.9); //Give the player a little breathing room

And with that we can finally program in our MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT constant


And with that we can slay our last magic number

//Platform can't be higher a jump from the current platform or 100 pixels from top of screen
var minPossibleHeight = Math.max(platforms[platforms.length-2].y - MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT, 100);

I’ll be keeping that other 100 since the comment makes it obvious what it’s for and it’s only ever used in this line.

See All The Changes

Here’s the latest copy of the magic free code.

With that out of the way we can start working on the finishing touches for the game: Music, sound effects and special effects.

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 15: The Computer Is Out To Get You

Game AI!!!

In computer science we use the term “AI” or “artificial intelligence” to refer to sophisticated problem solving programs that use fairly advanced algorithms to process and learn from data.

But in the gaming world we tend to use the term “AI” to mean “however the computer makes decisions whether it’s intelligent or not”. An enemy that does nothing but walk around in circles and shoot bullets obviously isn’t processing or learning from data but most people would call it an “enemy AI” anyways.

So a lot of “Game AI” isn’t actually “Computer Science AI”.

But that’s a good thing! “Computer Science AI” is designed to solve math problems. “Game AI” is designed to make games more fun. Since they have different objectives it’s no surprise that they usually have completely different code.

Sure, sometimes making a game more fun does involve inventing a “Computer Science AI” that can do things like analyze and coordinate hundreds of units moving through a changing battlefield.

But you’d be surprised how often you can make a game feel fun and smart with nothing more than a stupid random number generator and half a dozen “if” statements.

Which is a a roundabout way of me admitting that our game AI is going to be pretty stupid and random. So if you were expecting something clever, I’m sorry. You’ll just have to go back and reread the swarm intelligence series.


So what are the goals for our game AI? Here’s what I came up with:

  1. New platforms should sometimes be higher or lower than the platform before them
  2. Platforms should never spawn lower than the bottom of the screen or higher than the top
  3. Platforms should get smaller and further apart as the game goes on
  4. Platforms need to always be reachable by a single jump. No game-breaking impossible layouts allowed.
  5. Viruses should appear at random locations instead of following a pattern

Leap Of Faith

Let’s tackle the platform problem first. As a reminder our current platform generating code is in the updateGame function and looks like this.

//Remove platforms that have scrolled off screen and create new platforms to take their place
if(platforms[0].x + platforms[0].width < 0){
   //Drop first platform by shift entire list one space left
   for( i = 0; i < platforms.length-1; i++){
      platforms[i] = platforms[i+1];

   //Add new platfrom to end of list by placing it a certain distance after second to last platform
   var newPlatform = new Object();
   newPlatform.x = platforms[platforms.length-2].x + maxPlatformLength + maxPlatformGap;
   newPlatform.y = 350;
   newPlatform.width = maxPlatformLength;
   newPlatform.height = 20;
   platforms[platforms.length-1] = newPlatform;

First up is adding some randomness to the height of the platforms, which is actually a trickier problem than you might think. Sure, we could just use a random integer to set the “y” value of every new platform but then we run a huge risk of creating platforms the player can’t actually jump to or creating platforms that are too easy to jump to.

The issue is that when a platform is higher than the player they have less time to reach it than usual before falling to their doom, while if the platform is beneath the player they have more time than usual to make the jump.

More specifically, if you remember back to part 9 we calculated that it took thirty frames for the player to go from on the ground, to jumping to being back on the ground.

But if a platform is at the top of the player’s jump he will only have half that much time, fifteen frames, to reach it before he has started moving downwards and is now stuck below the new platform.

On the other hand if the platform is below the player’s starting position he will have the full thirty frames plus another dozen or so frames of falling before he’s gone too far.

So we can’t just use the same set horizontal distance between platforms of different heights. Platforms above the player need to be closer together. Platforms below the player need to be further apart.

To pull this off do we’re going to write a math function that can calculate how many frames it takes for the player to jump from one height to another. For this to work we need to know:

  • height difference
  • jump velocity
  • y acceleration per frame

Now if you’ll remember back to physics the equation for movement looks a lot like this:

end height = start height + velocity * time + ½ acceleration * time^2

0 = start height – end height + velocity*time + ½ acceleration * time^2

0 = change in height + velocity*time + ½ acceleration * time^2

And from there we can use the quadratic equation to solve for time. Just throw this function anywhere in your script:

// Calculate how many frames a jumping player will be in the air
// Based on the vertical distance they have to cover, their jumping vertical velocity
// and their vertical acceleration
// This is basically the physics distance formula plugged into the quadratic equation
function getFramesUntilLanding(dist, vel, acc){
   var a = (-1 * vel + Math.sqrt(vel*vel - 2 * acc * dist))/(acc);
   var b = (-1 * vel - Math.sqrt(vel*vel - 2 * acc * dist))/(acc);
   return Math.max(a, b);

Remember that the quadratic equation usually has two answers, which makes sense for a jump. A player will be five pixels off the ground both right after he jumps and right before he lands. We are only interested in how long it takes to land at a certain height so we take the max of the two values.

Another thing to watch out for here is that certain inputs to this function will return zero answers. Specifically, if the player is only moving fast enough to jump 150 pixels upwards and you ask how long it will take him to jump 300 pixels the answer is going to be “NaN”, the special JavaScript value for “not a number”. That’s what you get when you try to do impossible math.

To avoid this we need to know how high our player can jump so we can avoid asking for anything bigger than that. Looking at the code in updateGame we can see that starting jump velocity is 15 pixels per frame and that acceleration is 1 pixel per frame. That means that the player will keep moving upwards for 15 frames. Plugging that into our handy movement equation shows:

max jump height = 15 pixels/frame * 15 frames – ½ pixels/frame^2 * (15 frames)^2

max jump height = 112 pixels.

To give ourselves a little wiggle room we’ll round down and take 100 pixels as the max jump height. This means that a new platform should never be more than 100 pixels higher than where the player started.

As for platforms below the player, there’s really no limit as long as they’re still on the screen. Since gravity works downwards there’s no reason the player couldn’t safely jump or fall to a platform hundreds of pixels beneath them.

Prepare For Code Dump

With all that math and planning out of the way I was able to update our platform code. Just replace the platform generating code from the last section with this shiny new version:

//Remove platforms that have scrolled off screen and create new platforms to take their place
if(platforms[0].x + platforms[0].width < 0){
   //Drop first platform by shift entire list one space left
   for( i = 0; i < platforms.length-1; i++){
      platforms[i] = platforms[i+1];

   // Add new platfrom to end of list
   // Platform is randomly placed somewhere within the jump range of the player
   // As the game goes on platforms get smaller and farther apart
   // Calculated max height of jump is about 100
   // Platform can't be higher than the max jump or 100 pixels from top of screen
   var minPossibleHeight = Math.max(platforms[platforms.length-2].y - 100, 100);

   //Platform can't be lower than the bottom of the screen
   var maxPossibleHeight = 380;

   //Random height between the max and min
   var newPlatformHeight = Math.random()*(maxPossibleHeight - minPossibleHeight) + minPossibleHeight;
   //Calculate how far the platform can be by multiplying speed of 10 by the time the player will be in the air
   var maxPossibleDistance = 10 * getFramesUntilLanding(newPlatformHeight - platforms[platforms.length-2].y, 15, -1);
   var newPlatform = new Object();
   //As the player earns points the platforms should get closer to being maxPossibleDistance apart
   newPlatform.x = platforms[platforms.length-2].x +
                   platforms[platforms.length-2].width +
                   maxPossibleDistance*(0.5 + 0.5 * currentPoints/TOTAL_POINTS_TO_WIN);
   newPlatform.y = newPlatformHeight;
   //As the player earns points the platforms should get smaller
   newPlatform.width = maxPlatformLength *(1 - 0.5 * currentPoints/TOTAL_POINTS_TO_WIN);
   newPlatform.height = 20;
   platforms[platforms.length-1] = newPlatform;

I think the code comments explain everything pretty well, so I’m just going to hit the highlights here.

Just like before we start by shifting the entire list left to make way for the new platform.

We then calculate where the next platform should go by choosing a random number between the min and max possible heights. Remember that in screen coordinates the top of the screen is y=0 and it gets bigger as you go down, which is why we find the min by taking the players location and subtracting his 100 pixel jump height and why the max is slightly smaller than the height of the screen.

Once we know how high the next platform is going to be we figure out how far away it can be by using our handy jump frame function to find out how many frames it will take to jump that high and then multiplying by ten, which is the players speed of 5 pixels per frame PLUS and extra 5 pixels per frame from the fact that the entire screen is moving backwards. This tells us exactly how far forward the player can move during his jump to the new platform.

Now that we have a height and know exactly how far the player can jump we’re ready to build a new platform. Height just gets slotted in but width and distance now get adjusted based on how close the player is to winning the game. For distance we start with gaps that are 50% the maximum jump distance and slowly increase them by another 50% as the player earns points. Platform size is the opposite, starting at 100% of max size and decreasing by up to 50% as the player moves.

Now I will admit that a lot of this is bad code. Even with the comments there are a lot of hard to understand hard-coded numbers floating around. But at this point we’re still prototyping and a certain amount of messy experimentation is OK. We’ll clean this up a little later.

Simple But Vicious Predators

After all the math involved in fixing up platform generation you’ll be happy to hear we can make the virus spawn pattern work pretty decently by changing just one line in the virus generation code:

newVirus.y = 300;

to this:

newVirus.y = player.y -50 + 100*Math.random();

This guarantees that new viruses will spawn in the general vicinity of the player with just a little bit of jitter to hide what we’re doing. And since the player should be randomly jumping all over the place this should make the viruses also appear all over the place.

Congrats! The Core Gameplay Is Done Now

We have a player that can move and jump.

We have platforms that spawn randomly and become smaller and further apart as the game progresses.

We have viruses that semi-intelligently place themselves in the heroes path.

We have a score system that lets the player win.

So we’re basically done with the actual “game” portion of this project.

So what’s left? A surprisingly large amount of stuff!

First, this prototype code badly needs to be cleaned up. And then we’ll take a few more sessions to add some special effects, music and basic animations.

Then, and only then, will we truly be done.

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 13: Some Much Needed Polish

This Is Only The Beginning…

Our code so far makes a good proof of concept. We’ve shown that we can indeed move the player around, land on platforms, crash into enemies and switch between different game states. In other words, we can safely say that it is possible to build our game using JavaScript.

But our code also has a lot of problems, glitches and loose ends. So today we’re going to be cleaning those up and starting the transition from “Semi-functional Prototype” to “Product You Wouldn’t Be Embarrassed To Show Your Friends”.

As part of this we’re going to be rewriting a TON of code. But don’t worry, I’ll post a link to a live version of code at the end of this article so if you have trouble following my description of what I’m doing you can just grab the complete code and take a look for yourself.

Wait! I’m Not Ready Yet

Here’s an interesting little fact for you: When you use JavaScript to assign an image to a variable the code doesn’t stop and wait, it keeps running and loads the image in the background. That means that your code might accidentally try to use an image that hasn’t finished loading yet, which is bad.

Now in a simple game with just a couple small images this probably isn’t a problem. But if you have a big background image or lots and lots of tiles and enemies and animations you might end up with a game that tries to run while 90% of its graphics are still being loaded.

To avoid this problem we’re going to have to tell our code specifically to not run any actual game logic until after the images are finished loading. An easy way to do this is with the onload property of the JavaScript image object. This lets you attach a function to an image and have that function run once the image finishes loading.

Using this we can chain together our images like this:

var cycleImage = new Image();
var virusImage = new Image();

function canvasTest(){

function loadCycleImage(){
   cycleImage = new Image();

function loadVirusImage(){
   virusImage = new Image();

Now canvasTest doesn’t immediately start the game but instead calls loadCycleImage. loadCycleImage loads cycle.png and then calls loadVirusImage, which load virus.png and then starts the game loop.

Now obviously the more images you have the longer this chain gets, which introduces two problems: First, a long chain is hard to maintain by hand. Second, a large chain leaves your game “frozen” for several minutes since nothing gets drawn to the screen until the chain has completed.

You can solve the code maintenance problem by writing a new recursive function that accepts an entire list of image objects and object URLs. It sets up the first image to loading and when it’s done it then calls itself with the rest of the lest. When the list is finally empty it calls gameLoop() instead. This lets you have one function and one loop instead of having to hand type a hundred different loading functions that chain into each other.

The “frozen” game problem is easy too. Just write some sort of drawResourceLoadingScreen screen function that displays a helpful message like “Now loading image X out of 45”. Call that method at the beginning of every step of the chain so the user knows why the game hasn’t started yet.

But since I’m only loading two images I’ll leave both of these tasks as exercises for the reader.

Initialization: One of Top Ten Most Computer Programmy Word Out There

Let’s continue with this theme of “Things we shouldn’t just leave at the top of our script” and talk about initializing game objects.

Before our games starts we obviously need to generate the player’s position, the starting platforms and the starting viruses. Currently we do that all up at the top of code.

But this means that our game only gets set up once, when the player loads the page. This is the reason why the player can get stuck inside a virus after a game over. Once the virus is in play it stays in play no matter how many times the player dies and respawns.

It would be much better if the game was reset every time the player switched from the start screen to the main game. Then instead of getting stuck inside a virus the player would get a fresh virus-free start when they died.

This is an easy problem to refactor. We just grab the setup code from the top of the script and stuff it into a function named initializeGame. Then we call initialize game right before we switch to the main game state.

The only possible trick is that it’s important to remember that global variables like players, platforms and viruses need to stay at the top of the script so our game functions can share them. We’re only moving the code that sets their values into a function, the declarations can stay put.

//Put the player in the starting location and generate the
//first platforms and enemies
function initializeGame(){
   //Reset player location
   player.x = 100;
   player.y = 100;
   player.yVel = 0;
   player.onGround = false;

   //Generate starting platforms into global array
   //Uses global variables to control platfrom generation
   for(i = 0; i < maxPlatformCount; i++){
      var newPlatform = new Object();
      newPlatform.x = i * (maxPlatformLength + maxPlatformGap);
      newPlatform.y = 350;
      newPlatform.width = maxPlatformLength;
      newPlatform.height = 20;
      platforms[i] = newPlatform;

   //Generate starting viruses into global array (all off screen at first)
   //Uses global variables to control virus generation
   for(i = 0; i < maxVirusCount; i++){
      var newVirus = new Object();
      newVirus.x = virusStartingOffset + i * (virusWidth + maxVirusGap);
      newVirus.y = 200;
      newVirus.width = virusWidth;
      newVirus.height = virusHeight;
      viruses[i] = newVirus;

And then we just have to slip a reference to this code into our startScreenUpdate function:

//Check to see if the user is ready to start the game
function updateStartScreen(){
      gameState = STATE_RUNNING;

Side note: Initializing a game can take a long time, especially if you have to load new graphics or run an expensive algorithm. In these scenarios it’s considered polite to put up a “Loading” screen so the player knows the game isn’t stuck.

Since we’re only initializing a few dozen values this function will run too fast to notice, making a loading screen pointless. But if you were making a more complex game you might want to build a simple “Initializing next stage” screen drawing function and add it right before the initialize call.

Fixing A Few Minor Issues

That’s it for our big two problems, but as long as we’re disecting code let’s fix a few tiny bugs I noticed.

First off, the player shouldn’t be allowed to move off screen. So let’s add this code somewhere inside updateGame

//Keep the 75px wide player inside the bound of the 600px screen


Good programmers will notice that these functions use a crazy amount of magic numbers. It would probably be a good idea to replace them by constant variables like PLAYER_WIDTH and SCREEN_WIDTH.

Another quick issue: The player can currently do an air jump by falling off a platform and then hitting up. This is because we only set “onGround” to false when the player jumps. So let’s update our code to set that to false whenever the player starts moving downwards by changing this:

player.y += player.yVel;
player.yVel +=1;

into this:

player.y += player.yVel;
player.yVel +=1;
//Assume player is no longer on groud. Platfrom collision later in loop can change this

The positioning of this code is very important! It comes AFTER the player tries to jump but BEFORE the platform collision code that sets onGround to true.

This means that if the player was on a platform at the end of last frame he can still jump because the onGround false code hasn’t kicked in yet.

It also means that if the player stays on a platform for the entire loop the onGround false code will be immediately reversed by the platform checking code that comes after it, so the player can still jump next frame even though onGround was temporarily false.

The only way for onGround to get set to false and stay false is if the player isn’t on a platform, which is exactly what we wanted. In fact, this works so well that you can remove the onGround=false from the up key handling code if you want. It’s redundant now.

As long as we’re changing things up, let’s have all viruses spawn at y=300 instead of y=200. This puts them at about the same level as the player and makes jumping over them easier during testing.

Finally, having to click a button just to start the game doesn’t make a lot of sense now that we have an actual Start Screen. So let’s rename canvasTest to startGame and link it to the loading of the page instead of a button press.

<body onload="startGame()" onkeydown="doKeyDown(event);" onkeyup="doKeyUp(event);">
   <canvas id="gameCanvas" width=600 height=400 style="border:1px solid black;"></canvas>

The Code So Far

Here it is. Play it. Download it. Study it.

I Want To Be A Winner

With the game a little bit cleaner than before we’re all set to add in a scoring system and a win condition. Then we’ll be able to actually beat our game instead of just jumping over the same boring obstacles again and again until we get bored.

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 12: Making A STATEment

I’m Pretty Sure This Is What That Word Means…

There are two common definitions of “Game State”. At least two that I’ve heard. Who knows whether or not the big time developers use these. But my blog, my definitions. So… Game State:

The first definition is: A complete description of exactly what is going on in the game including the value of every variable. Very useful for creating save files or debugging glitches.

The second definition is: A high level description of what the game is currently doing, such as “paused”, “saving”, “in combat” or “showing world map”.

Our big focus today is going to be on the second definition, which is going to help us add a “Start Screen” and “Game Over Screen” to our current code. Or in other words, we are going to change from a game that only has one state (running) to a game that has three states (start, game over, main game).

But it’s not enough to have different game states. You also need a plan for switching between those game states. How does the player get to the “game over” state? Once he is in the “game over” state, how can he get back into the “main game” state? That sort of stuff.

This can all be described pretty well with a quick flowchart. Here’s an example of the four game states we want for Defrag Cycle and how they are related (although we’re only building three of them today:

Everybody Loves Flowcharts!

Everybody Loves Flowcharts!

Pretty simple, right?

Of course, not all games are so straightforward. For example, here is a sample state chart for a generic RPG:

Whoops, looks like I forget to add a “game over” state, so let's just pretend this chart is for one of those games where losing a fight just sends you to the nearest hospital/temple/inn.

Whoops, looks like I forget to add a “game over” state, so let’s just pretend this chart is for one of those games where losing a fight just sends you to the nearest hospital/temple/inn.

Bonus Activity: Take your favorite game and try to draw a game state flowchart for it. Pay special attention to the transitions between states. Try to figure out which transitions go both ways (you can go from main game to pause screen and pause screen to main game) and which are one way (you can go from main game to game over, but it’s a one way trip).

Simple State Switching

First up we’re going to need a global variable for keeping tack of what state the game is in, along with some predictable values for the states themselves. So let’s just stick this somewhere near the top of our script along with the rest of our global variables and setup code:

//Game State "constants" (Javascript does not support true constants)
var STATE_WIN = 4;

//Current Game State. Start game in "Start Screen" state
var gameState = STATE_START_SCREEN;

Now to put those states to good use. Update your gameLoop function like this:

//The main game loop
function gameLoop(){
   var startTime =;
   if(gameState == STATE_START_SCREEN){
   else if(gameState == STATE_RUNNING){
   else if(gameState == STATE_GAMEOVER){
   else if(gameState == STATE_WIN){
      // We'll implement this later
   else{ //Fix the game if we somehow end up with an invalid state
      gameState = STATE_START_SCREEN;

   var elapsedTime =;
   if(elapsedTime>=50){ //Code took too long, run again immediately
   else{ //Code didn't take long enough. Wait before running it again

Can you see what we’re doing? The main gameLoop logic is the same as always. Make a note of what time it is, do some useful work, see how much time has passed and then decide when to run the next gameLoop. The big difference is that we now use the gameState variable to decide what kind of useful work we do.

When the state is STATE_RUNNING we just run the same old updateGame and drawScreen logic that we’ve already written. No need to make any changes here, unless you want to give them better function names like updateMainGame or updateRunningGame or something. I’m not going to mess with that just right now.

When the state is instead set to the start screen or the gameover screen we skip the game updates and instead run new functions specifically designed for those states. Functions that we haven’t written yet, but will in just a second.

As a side note, state switching like this can be an easy way to do pause screens. The main game update function only gets called during STATE_RUNNING, so by switching to a different state you can basically freeze the game world by preventing enemy and player position variables from updating.

New Code For Our New States

So… what should a start screen and an gameover screen actually do?

It seems to me a simple online game startscreen needs to do three things:

  1. Show the game’s title
  2. Explain how to play
  3. Explain how to move from the start screen to the main game

Similarly a gameover screen has two jobs:

  1. Show a gameover message
  2. Explain how to move from the gameover screen back to the start screen

In a real game we would hire a real artist to design some attractive screens for us. They would probably choose some lovely fonts and throw together a cool background filled with lasers and explosions.

But this is a game programming tutorial, not a game design tutorial, so I’m just going to throw together some text and call it a day.

//Draw the start screen with game title and instructions
function drawStartScreen(){
   var canvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas');
   var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

   //Draw background
   context.fillStyle = '#dcdcdc';

   //Draw black text
   context.fillStyle = '#000000';
   context.font = 'bold 70px impact';
   context.fillText("DEFRAG CYCLE", 20, 150);
   context.font = '20px impact';
   context.fillText("- Defrag the hard drive by avoiding pits and viruses", 20, 200);
   context.fillText("- When the counter reaches 1000 GB you win!", 20, 230);
   context.fillText("- LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to move", 20, 260);
   context.fillText("- UP arrow key to jump", 20, 290);
   context.fillText("- Graze viruses to speed up the defrag counter", 20, 320);
   context.fillText("- Press UP arrow key to start game", 20, 350);

//Draw the gameover screen
function drawGameoverScreen(){
   var canvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas');
   var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

   //Draw background
   context.fillStyle = '#000000';

   //Draw green text
   context.fillStyle = '#00CC00';
   context.font = 'bold 80px impact';
   context.fillText("GAME OVER", 40, 200);
   context.font = '30px impact';
   context.fillText("Press UP arrow to retry", 120, 250);

Now all that’s left to do is fill in those two new update methods, which is really easy since all they do is check for the up key and then switch states (remember the flowchart):

//Check to see if the user is ready to start the game
function updateStartScreen(){
      gameState = STATE_RUNNING;

//Check to see if the user is ready to restart the game
function updateGameover(){
      gameState = STATE_START_SCREEN;

And with that the game now starts on the start screen and can be transitioned to the main game by tapping up. We’ve also built in the link between the gameover screen and then start screen. All that’s left is to link in the main game to the gameover screen.

Once again this is pretty easy. We already have a deathCollision flag that’s being set everytime we hit a virus and we already check to see if the player has fallen off the bottom of the screen. All we have to do is find inside the main updateGame function (it’s right at the bottom):

//Reset the player to default location when they fall off the screen
if(player.y > 400){
   player.x = 100;
   player.y = 100;

And change it to this:

//Gameover if the player falls of the screen or has hit a virus
if(player.y > 400){
   player.x = 100;
   player.y = 100;
   gameState = STATE_GAMEOVER;

   gameState = STATE_GAMEOVER;

And now the game can flow between all three different states. Just ram yourself into a virus or fall into a pit and watch that transition to gameover.

This Is Actually Pretty Terrible

So… those of you who tried out your updated code probably noticed that it’s a little rough around the edges. Actually, that’s an understatement. These edges are downright serrated:

  • You can see the cycle jerk back into default position after falling off the screen but right before the game over message
  • Even if you just tap the up arrow key it will usually skip through both the gameover and start screen too fast to see
  • If you hit a virus you will immediately hit it again after you restart the game

This is obviously not anywhere near playable. But our goal was just to get the state switching working and that we have done!

Next time around we’ll start cleaning up some of these issues in preparation for adding the scoring system and a way to actually win.

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 8: That Sinking Feeling

Newton Would Be Proud


In the real world gravity is a universal force that causes things to constantly accelerate downwards, moving faster and faster until they eventually hit a solid object like the ground.


We want our game gravity to work similarly. The player should be pulled towards the bottom of the screen at faster and faster speeds every frame until they hit a solid platform or fall into a bottomless pit and get a game over.


This is actually pretty easy to simulate. We just keep track of how fast the player is moving and every frame we adjust that speed to point slightly more downwards. It’s as easy as incrementing a variable every turn.


But for really good gravity we also want to consider terminal velocity. In the real world falling objects eventually start moving so fast that air pressure prevents them from accelerating any further. Similarly we can program our game gravity to max out at a certain speed and prevent the player from ever falling faster than that set maximum. This is a useful strategy for preventing falling characters from speeding up to extreme velocities that make the game hard to control.


The only remaining issue is deciding how strong our game gravity should be and how fast our terminal velocity should be. If gravity and terminal velocity are too low the player will feel floaty. If they are too high the player will feel like he can barely get off the ground. Figuring out the perfect balance usually requires some play-testing though, so for this test I’m just going to grab some numbers that feel decent. We can fine tune them later.


Introducing The Ground


It’s hard to test gravity without something to land on between jumps. Eventually we will have an entire map full of tricky platforms but for now we’ll just create one really big platform along the bottom of the screen. So go back to the top of your script and redefine testObject like this:


var testObject = new Object();
testObject.x = 0;
testObject.y = 350;
testObject.width = 600;
testObject.height = 20;


We also want to upgrade our player object to keep track of two new pieces of information: Its current Y velocity and whether or not it is sitting on the ground (Only cycles on the ground can jump.)


var player = new Object();
player.x = 100;
player.y = 100;
player.yVel = 0;
player.onGround = false;


And with that we can now implement simple gravity by just adding this code somewhere inside of updateGame, like right after the player input checks.


player.y += player.yVel;
player.yVel +=1;
if(player.yVel >= 15){


This is a very simple, semi-realistic approach to gravity. Every turn the character moves up or down based off of their current Y velocity. Their Y Velocity is then slightly increased, to represent that gravity is causing them to move towards the earth. This will result in them falling faster and faster each frame until they reach a terminal velocity of 15 pixels per frame.


I Don’t Believe In Ghosts


If you were to run the game now you would notice that the motorcycle tends to fall downwards but that when it hits the “ground” it just passes through and falls off the screen. We obviously can’t have that so let’s make the testObject a little more solid by having a collision between player and testObject result in the player coming to an abrupt stop.


The code is already testing for collisions between the player’s feet hitbox and the testObject, so all we have to do is add a little code to that statement to prevent the player from falling forever.


if(intersectRect(testObject, getFeetHitbox(player.x, player.y))){
   feetCollision = true;


Simple enough. If the player hits the testObject we stop their downward movement, align them so they are barely touching the ground (remember, the cycle picture is 48 pixels tall) and then make a note that they are currently on the ground and ready to jump.


Of course, next frame the motorcycle will start to accelerate downwards again and start falling through the ground. This will result in a second collision and the cycle will once again have to be stopped and moved to the surface of the ground. This pattern will actually repeat for every single frame the cycle is on the ground.


You might think that constantly dipping into the earth and being pushed back up would lead to some jittery up and down motion, but because we do all the falling and ground checking before we draw any graphics the whole up/down cycle is hidden and the end result makes it look like the motorcycle is smoothly gliding along the ground.


I Believe I Can’t Fly


So we can fall and hit the ground, but there’s still the issue that the game lets player directly move up and down. Since we want the player to jump not fly it’s time to fix that.


First off we delete the if(playerInput.down) statement since we don’t need it anymore. We don’t want to let the player fall faster than normal so we don’t really need to worry about whether or not the down key is pressed.


Now we want to change the if(playerInput.up) statement from flight to a simple jump.


if(playerInput.up && player.onGround){


You can see we’re bringing in our onGround variable to make sure the player is actually in a position they are allowed to jump from. If they are then we give them an upwards velocity of 15 and disable jumping (at least until they hit testObject and onGround gets reset).


An image of a cycle sprite landing on the ground

A cycle sitting on the ground after landing a jump. Much more exciting in action than as a still image.


And that’s all it takes. We now have gravity and jumping. Try it out for yourself.


Missing The Ground


There is one last important detail I want to mention, and that is the risk of missing the ground.


The player moves multiple pixels per frame, and we only check for collisions at the final location. So if the player was falling at 50 pixels per frame it could completely skip over a 10 pixel object in it’s path. This would lead to the player ghosting through objects they should have hit.


To avoid this you just have to make sure that the player’s and obstacles hitboxes are thick enough to clip each other even at max speed.


In our test code the player’s max falling speed is 15 pixels per frame. The player’s feet hitbox is 5 pixels tall, and the “ground” testObject is 20 pixels tall.


This is a safe combination, because there is no way for a 5 pixel object to jump through a 20 pixel object by moving 15 pixels at a time. (Bonus question: How fast would it have to be going?)


But what if the ground object were much thinner, say only 2 pixels tall? Now the 5 pixel feet hitbox moving at 15 pixels per frame could easily skip over it. If you want to see this in action, shrink the height of textObject and see what happens when you jump or even just fall from the default starting position.


This is also one area where increasing your framerate can help.


An object falling 20 pixels per frame 20 times a second looks identical to an object falling 10 pixels per frame 40 times per second. But the second strategy lets us check for collisions every 10 pixels, allowing for much smaller and more precise hitboxes. So if you want to program a game with lots of fast moving tiny objects you might want to increase your frame rate.


Another option is to keep a low frame rate but design a more advanced collision algorithm that checks whether or not object paths overlap, not just the objects themselves. This can be a lot of work for both programmer and computer but it does eliminate all ghosting problems.


Fortunately it looks like we won’t have any ghosting problems so we can just stick with 20 frames per second, 20 pixel thick platforms and our simple collision checking. I just wanted you to know about this issue for your future game programming needs.


Digital Genesis


We have gravity. We have jumping. Now we can move ahead and build an entire world for the player to jump and gravity along. That’s right, next time we’ll be randomly generating a bunch of floating platforms.

Let’s Program A JavaScript Game 7: When Worlds Collide For Real

Knowing Is Only Half The Battle


Last time we covered the theory behind hitboxes and decided that our digital motorcycle needs three different hitboxes:

Hitbox Diagram For A Motorcycle

Remember This?

So now let’s actually put that idea into practice with some code.


Hitbox Creation Functions


Obviously our game is going to keep track of where the player is on the screen. But for collision detection what we really need is a way to transform that position into a set of three hitboxes.


The most straightforward solution is to write three functions that each accept an x and y coordinate representing the player’s position and then returns a complete hitbox object.


Now to be honest creating a bunch of new rectangle objects every everyt ime we want to do a collision check strikes me as potentially wasteful. Maybe it would be smarter to just create the hitboxes at the beginning of the script and then update them every time the character moves.


But I don’t want to waste time obsessing about how to run this code fast until I know for sure that the easy approach really is too slow. So I’m just going to build the hitbox creator functions and see how that runs. I can always optimize later.


Now it’s time for some math.


Our “cycle.png” image (which I recently flipped to face right instead of left) is 75 pixels wide and 48 pixels tall. We want to put a a five pixel tall “feet hitbox” along the bottom of the motorcycle for detecting when we hit platforms. Since the player’s position is measured from the top-left corner of the image that means the feet hitbox needs to be 43 pixels lower than then the player position.


// Get a 5x75 hitbox along the bottom of a 48x75 sprite.
// Used for detecting when the player has landed on a platform
// If you change the player sprite dimension you should update this function too
function getFeetHitbox(xPos, yPos){
   var feetHitbox = new Object();
   feetHitbox.x = xPos;
   feetHitbox.y = yPos+43;
   feetHitbox.width = 75;
   feetHitbox.height = 5;
   return feetHitbox


Next we want a relatively small “death hitbox” along the middle of the cycle. It will take some play testing to decide what the best size for it is but for now let’s say… 24 by 50 pixels. That’s about 12 pixels away from each side of the motorcycle which tells us everything we need for setting up the offsets.


// Get a 24x50 hitbox in the middle of a 48x75 sprite.
// Used for detecting when the player has hit an enemy
// If you change the player sprite dimension you should update this function too
function getDeathHitbox(xPos, yPos){
   var deathHitbox = new Object();
   deathHitbox.x = xPos+12;
   deathHitbox.y = yPos+12;
   deathHitbox.width = 50;
   deathHitbox.height = 24;
   return deathHitbox;


Finally we need to build the “graze hitbox” to track when the player is close enough to an enemy to start getting bonus points. This box actually need to be larger than the motorcycle graphic. Once again we’ll have to actually play test the game to fine tune the size of the graze box, but for starters lets give it 20 extra pixels on every side of the motorcycle (for an extra 40 pixels of width and height). Note that this actually requires negative offsets in order to put the graze box above and to the left of the player’s main position.


// Get a 88x115 hitbox centered around a 48x75 sprite.
// Used for detecting when the player is grazing an enemy
// If you change the player sprite dimension you should update this function too
function getGrazeHitbox(xPos, yPos){
   var grazeHitbox = new Object();
   grazeHitbox.x = xPos-20;
   grazeHitbox.y = yPos-20;
   grazeHitbox.width = 115;
   grazeHitbox.height = 88;
   return grazeHitbox;


Quick Test


Collision detection function? Check!


Hitbox creation function? Check!


Hitbox testing code? Let’s write it!


For starters you’re going to need to update your global variables to this:


var loopCount=0;
var playerInput = new Object();

var player = new Object();
player.x = 100;
player.y = 100;

var testObject = new Object();
testObject.x = 200;
testObject.y = 200;
testObject.width = 50;
testObject.height = 50;

var feetCollision = false;
var grazeCollision = false;
var deathCollision = false;

var cycleImage = new Image();
cycleImage.src = "cycle.png";


And then you’ll need to change your update method in two ways. First, when the user presses a key you need to update the player object instead of the generic xPos and yPos variables. Second, you need to check for collisions and update the global collision variables.


//Update the game by one step
function updateGame(){




   feetCollision = false;
   grazeCollision = false;
   deathCollision = false; 

   if(intersectRect(testObject, getFeetHitbox(player.x, player.y))){
      feetCollision = true;

   if(intersectRect(testObject, getDeathHitbox(player.x, player.y))){
      deathCollision = true;

   if(intersectRect(testObject, getGrazeHitbox(player.x, player.y))){
      grazeCollision = true;


And finally we need to update our draw code to draw the player motorcycle, the test obstacle and a list of what hitboxes are and aren’t being hit:


//Draw the screen
function drawScreen(){
   var canvas = document.getElementById('gameCanvas');
   var context = canvas.getContext('2d');

   //Draw background
   context.fillStyle = '#dcdcdc';

   //Draw black text
   context.fillStyle = '#000000';
   context.fillText("Loop Count: "+loopCount, 20, 20);

      context.fillText("Feet Collision: True", 20, 40);
      context.fillText("Feet Collision: False", 20, 40);
      context.fillText("Death Collision: True", 20, 60);
      context.fillText("Death Collision: False", 20, 60);

      context.fillText("Graze Collision: True", 20, 80);
      context.fillText("Graze Collision: False", 20, 80);

   //Draw a red square the player can run into
   context.fillStyle = '#FF0000';
   context.fillRect(testObject.x, testObject.y, testObject.width, testObject.height);

   //Draw a motorcycle as the player's avatar
   context.drawImage(cycleImage, player.x, player.y);


If you’ve managed to properly copy all the code so far you should be able to hit the canvas test button and then control the motorcycle graphic by using the arrow keys. Move it towards and over the red box and watch how the three different collision variables react.


A sample screenshot of the collision test.

Close enough to graze and land on the square, but not close enough to hit the “death hitbox”.


I Hope You Remember High School Physics


With collisions working the next big piece of our simulation is a simple gravity system to pull the motorcycle downwards and give the player a reason to jump from platform to platform. So tune in next week as we try to find a gravity algorithm that walks the fine line between realistic and fun.