Gengo Girls #108: Close One Door, Open Another

Gengo Girls #108: Close One Door, Open Another

If you ask for permission and get it the answer will usually be a pretty straightforward “Sure, that’s fine”. But if you don’t get permission things can get a bit strange.

Since the Japanese tend to avoid conflict they will almost never directly say “no” to a request even when they want to. Instead they will kind of stall and mumble something like “Well… you see… maybe… but it’s kind of… I guess you could… but still…”

As an American you might take that kind of wishy washy answer as a weak “yes”. But what you are actually supposed to do is notice their reluctance and withdraw your request without forcing them to say no. That way everybody saves face and there is no conflict.


入る = はいる = to enter


言語ガールズ #108

Close One Door, Open Another

Blue: Time for another pattern.

Blue: verb-て いい です means “It’s okay to do that verb”.

Yellow: I remember いい. It means “good”.

Blue: So if someone knocked on your door you could us て いい です to give them permission to come in.

Yellow: 入っていいです

Blue: You can also add a to the end of the pattern to make a request.

Blue: So you could ask “Can I come in?” with 入っていいですか

Yellow: But if you learn a little ninjitus you don’t have to worry about permission. Just smoke bomb your way in and out!

Blue: I worry that real world 日本 won’t be able to live up to the image in your head.