Gengo Girls #84: Gone Tomorrow

Gengo Girls #84: Gone Tomorrow

I’ve heard that many Japanese people believe that they are the only country to have all four seasons and are surprised when foreigners tell them that countries like America also have a distinct spring, summer, fall and winter.

No idea why they think this way. Probably just one of those little cultural myths that everybody grows up hearing and never bothers to think about. “Only Japan has four seasons. Every other country is too hot, cold, wet or dry to experience all four seasons properly.”


= はる = spring

= なつ = summer

= あき = fall

= ふゆ = winter

寒い = さむい = cold


言語ガールズ #84

Gone Tomorrow

Blue: The negative casual form of ある is ない. That means the negative past tense casual is なかった.

Yellow: One of these days we’ll run out of irregular verbs and what a happy day it will be.

Yellow: So now what are we going to talk about?

Blue: How about a quick vocabulary lesson?

Blue: Here are the words for the four seasons:

Blue: 日本 is in the right part of the planet to have all four seasons. It’s not like those tropical islands where it’s always warm.

Yellow: Always warm actually sounds pretty good. 冬は寒いですよ!