Let’s Illustrate Morrowind Part 7: With A Little Help From My Fiends

Fault has finally become a full fledged journeyman mage and her first task is to track down a couple of rogue wizards and convince them to make up with the guild. If they don’t we have to murder them. Fault’s beginning to wonder whether this whole mage guild thing is really for her and heads next door to see if the fighter’s guild is hiring. They’re basically jumping at the chance to bring a protagonist on board and give us our first assignment: To kill some giant cave rats that have invaded the home of poor old lady.

Unfortunately fighting two rats at once is more than poor Fault can handle without armor. I guess maybe this whole gimmick was just too much…

Ha! Just kidding. You didn’t really think I would have gotten this far without a plan, did you?

Back at the Mage’s Guild we track down someone who is selling “Bound Helm” and “Bound Boots” which let us summon a couple pieces of demon armor. They only last for sixty seconds and they’re less than half of a full set of armor but summoned demon armor is very good and even just a few pieces let us almost ignore the attacks of the rats as we summoned spear them to death.

How does the spell know what size boots to summon?

How does the spell know what size boots to summon?

Let’s Illustrate Morrowind Part 6: Maybe A Little Too Realistic

Back at the mage’s guidl Fault’s mentor next asks us to sabotage the research of a rival wizard. Seems kind of sketchy but the guild made these assignments so there’s no point in arguing. Plus it’s not a very hard quest. Fault just waits for the rival to wander away from their desk and then sneaks a fake soul gem into her pile of research. After that Fault reports back to her mentor who now wants us to go out and collect flowers for the next stage of her research.

So off Fault goes to collect some plants. But when she gets back it turns out someone has stolen all of her mentor’s research! Our final quest for is to track down her missing papers so she can finally make journeyman. You can actually read her report before she submits it and insultingly enough she takes full credit for all of Fault’s legwork. On the other hand the guild master seems to know what’s going on because she promotes Fault to journeyman right along with her mentor.

I have mixed feelings about this entire quest line. On the one hand it is extremely believable that a wannabe mage would start their career playing assistant to a more experienced wizard. On the other hand, it’s really boring and it doesn’t actually make you a better wizard since you don’t have to cast any spells to complete it.

Given Fault's painfully low intelligence score I can't imagine she's enjoying being a wizard very much

Given Fault’s painfully low intelligence score I can’t imagine she’s enjoying being a wizard very much

Let’s Illustrate Morrowind Part 5: Couldn’t Hit The Broad Side Of A Silt Strider

As the newest apprentice mage in the guild Fault has been assigned the tedious task of hiking out to a certain swamp and bringing back some alchemy research materials. But before she heads out on that quest she chats with the local mages until she find someone selling conjuration spells. Fault’s demon dagger is nice but she’d really prefer to be using Bound Spear, which sells for a modest 60 coins.

Spear in hand (or more accurately in head) it’s time for a field trip. Fault follows the path of the nearby river until it lets out in a swamp full of mushrooms. It barely takes any time at all to collect research material for Fault’s senpai with the only moment of excitement being a sudden giant rat attack that mostly proves Fault really probably shouldn’t be using a spear.

Morrowind mechanics time! In Morrowind hurting an enemy with a weapon is actually a two step process. Step one is to use your action gamer skills to hit your target. Step two then involves the game looking at your combat stats, rolling some virtual dice and then deciding whether or not your hit really counts. Since Fault has no training in spears and very low agility she constantly winds up missing even though I, as a player, am doing a perfectly good job at hitting my targets.

My mage build is bad at physical combat? Who could have seen that coming?

My mage build is bad at physical combat? Who could have seen that coming?

From Oblivion on they “fixed” this by making all hits depend purely on player skill and using character stats only for calculating damage. That means a hit is always a hit even if it doesn’t do much damage. While that’s probably a more satisfying system I must say that Morrowind’s “hit for a chance roll at hitting” really isn’t bad as long as you know what to expect and can tell the difference between missing because you’re too far away and need to correct your aim and missing because you “hit” but have too low of weapon accuracy to actually connect.

Still, it’s not much fun watching Fault useless flail in combat so on the way back to the mages guild she stops by the fighters guild and spends most her gold on five points of spear training. We’re pretty much broke again but who cares? We weren’t planning on using that money for equipment anyways.

Let’s Illustrate Morrowind Part 4: A Distinct Lack Of Patriotism

Fault has tracked down the address of Caius and finally get’s to meet the man himself. It turns out he’s an intimidating shirtless man who seems pretty grumpy until Fault hands over the emperor’s papework. Caius reads through it and explains that apparently the emporer realized we were the game’s protagonist because he wants us to be trained as members of the Blades, his elite troupe of problem solving super-spies.

In Caius's defense Morrowind is an active volcanic island and probably both hot and humid all the time.

In Caius’s defense Morrowind is an active volcanic island and probably both hot and humid all the time.

At this point Caius asks if we’re ready to swear loyalty to him as our teacher and commander. To Bethesda’s credit we’re allowed to say “No” and just wander off. We’ll probably have to come back here later to progress the plot but for now there’s more interesting stuff to do.

Like joining the Mage’s guild!

They let us join just for asking but nobody important actually wants to talk to us. Instead we’re assigned as an assistant to a young Khajit mage who needs us to go collect mushrooms so she can finish writing her Journeyman dissertation.

Maybe we should have joined the blades after all…

Let’s Illustrate Morrowind Part 3: Amazing What You Can Domesticate

Having earned a little pocket money by clearing out a bandit cave it’s time to head back to the customs office. Turns out I forgot to actually ask directions on where to find this Caius fellow Fault is supposed to deliver her documents to and Morrowind’s complete lack of objective markers means I can’t just follow a glowing arrow on my minimap. Instead you have to actually talk to people and get instructions and look for road signs and landmarks. Almost like real life!

Except in real life everyone has GPS enabled smart phones now so all things considered objective tracking minimaps have become 100% realistic. Welcome to the future!

Anyways, a friendly guard tells Fault she could reach the town where Caius lives by spending a few hours marching north through various swamps but that he’d personally just use the Stilt Strider and avoid all the hassle and potential muggings.

Silt Striders are terrifying three story insect monsters that have apparently been trained to act as taxis. The local handler charges a mere 14 coins to take us to Balmora so off we go.

Seeing your first silt strider is really the moment where you realize Morrowind isn't just another Fantasy Europe adventure.

Seeing your first silt strider is really the moment where you realize you’re not in Fantasy Europe anymore.

Once there we head to the local tavern and ask around until we get the home address of Caius.

Just want to take a moment here to talk about the conversation UI in Morrowind. Instead of a normal dialogue tree with two or three options you have an entire dialogue panel full of dozens of topics you can bring up. Since this game is mostly text based with minimal voice acting the developers were free to stuff a TON of side conversations and world building trivia into every NPC. It’s pretty nice, even if it does turn out that 95% of the world will say the exact same thing when asked for trivia about a certain location or historical event.

Let’s Illustrate Morrowind Part 2: Bandit Driven Adventure Economy

With all of her paperwork properly signed in triplicate and the emperor’s documents safely stuck in her inventory Fault is finally released into the wide world of Morrowind, free to do as she pleases. Of course she’s only level 1 and I’ve never actually played the game before so what she pleases is to talk to everyone and beg for advice.

Our first big tip comes from the local merchant who apparently instantly recognizes Fault as a video game protagonist because he wastes no time in suggesting that we might enjoy going to a nearby cave and killing the thugs that live there.

I was a little worried about what a level 1 semi-wizard could do against hardened criminals but there’s only three of them and they’re spaced far enough apart you can kill one and then head back to town to rest up if you want. So fault imagines herself a demonic dagger into existence and stabs some bad people (having Conjuration as a major skill means we start with the Bound Dagger spell. Only lasts 60 seconds but that’s enough for one fight).

Once the thugs are dead we release their slaves and loot all their chests and crates which contain a surprisingly diverse mixture of potions, weapons of all types, light armors, heavy armors and spell scrolls. Why it’s almost as if this entire mini-dungeon was specifically designed for handing out starting equipment to new players!

But Fault’s on a no equipment run so she just sells all of it. Well, most of it. One of the thieves we looted had nicer pants than Fault along with a cool looking shirt and that’s not the sort of thing you can just pass up. Clothing items in Morrowing change your appearance but provide no actual equipment bonuses so rest assured I’m not breaking my gimmick rules.

It's not actually murder if you're a hero and they're bandits. Everyone knows that.

It’s not actually murder if you’re a hero and they’re bandits. Everyone knows that.

Let’s Illustrate Morrowind Part 1: An Older Elder Scrolls

It’s time for another Let’s Illustrate, in which a programmer with no artistic talent (that’s me) tries to teach himself basic cartooning by keeping an illustrated diary of a videogame adventure and then embarrasses himself by posting it on the Internet.

Our target this time is the Elder Scrolls, but we aren’t going to be playing the mega-ultra-popular Skyrim. Instead we’re going to jump back a couple generations and give Morrowind a shot (available now on GOG). Because while Skyrim is the most successful Elder Scrolls game of all time series veterans often insist that Morrowind was actually the “best” game even if its graphics were extremely rough and its mechanics a bit choppy.

So let’s boot the game up and see what happens!

Morrowind begins with an ominous vision about prophecies and heroes at which point a dramatic remix of the epic Elder Scrolls main theme kicks in just in time for you to walk around the inside of a boat and fill out some paperwork. Now I suppose this is technically more fun than filling out paperwork while not listening to an epic fantasy orchestra but listening to demon fighting music whilst working your way through customs still makes me laugh.

Anyways, in classic Elder Scrolls tradition you begin the game as a prisoner. For some unknown reason the emperor himself has decided to have you transferred to Morrowind and then given your freedom on the condition that you deliver a handful of sealed docents to a certain man in the north.

Of course the guards aren’t going to hand over the emperor’s precious documents until they’re sure of who you are which means it’s character creation time!

If this game also turns out to have a tax auditing minigame I quit.

If this game also turns out to have a tax auditing minigame I quit.

I have no imagination so I’m just going to duplicate my Dark Souls 3 character by making our character a woman and calling her Fault.

For race we’ll be going with Nord because they have the best starting endurance which translates to more health throughout the game. In Morrowind health boosts are NOT retroactive so if you want high HP you have to focus on getting as much endurance as you can as early as you can.

Next up is class. We’ll be using the custom option so we can design our own interesting gimmick build. The custom build option is also necessary if you want to get the most out of Morrowind’s weird leveling system (but we can talk about that letter).

Today’s gimmick is: No equipment run. Fault will not use any weapons, armor, potions or scrolls. We may eventually use a few enchanted pieces of jewelry but that’s only because I’ve heard Morrowind’s enchanting system is ridiculous and I don’t want to lock myself out of that entirely.

To actually create our new class we have to choose two favored attributes, five major skills which control our leveling and five minor skills which I think just get some boosts. (Note from the future: WRONG! Major and minor both influence leveling which means I’m going to make a huge mistake in three more paragraphs.)

The attributes are easy: Endurance to help maximize long-term health and Luck because this is Fault we’re talking about.

For major skills I choose all the things Fault needs to survive without equipment. Conjuration to give her temporary weapons and warriors, Adbjuration for defense and utility spells, Restoration to keep her healthy and finally Unarmored and Unarmed fighting styles so in a pinch she can fall back on punching people.

For minor skills I grab most of the other magic talents along with accrobatics and athletics because they are thematically appropriate for a self-made sorceror-monk but also because I’m an impatient gamer who really wants to max out his speed as soon as feasible.

Class complete it’s time to choose Fault’s sign. I go with “The Lady” because it gives a 25 point boost to endurance and as mentioned we want as much of that early on as we can get. (All in all Fault totals out at 75 out of 100 endurance which is just about perfect).

And that’s it! Time to play the game.

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3: Index

Once upon a time a computer programmer had the silly idea that it might be fun to learn how to draw and decided to keep a daily sketch journal based on his adventures in playing the game Dark Souls 3 with a character focused almost entirely around the Luck stat instead of something more obviously useful like strength.


Full Series

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 1: Let’s Do What Now?

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 2: Off To A Smashing Start

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 3: In Which The Plot Is Expositioned

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 4: Second Hand Swords

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 5: A Burning Question

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 6: Performance Enhancing Embers

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 7: The Quest For Pants

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 8: The Bigger They Are

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 9: I Have The High Ground

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 10: Maybe Everything Isn’t Always Horrible

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls Part 11: How Magical

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls Part 12: Pants At Long Last

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls Part 13: Power Underwhelming

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls Part 14: Vigorous Religious Debate

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 15: Terms And Conditions May Apply

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 16: Fault, Private Eye

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 17: Weird Incentive Structure

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 18: Finally A Taste Of Power

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 19: A Blast From The Past

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 20: The Enemy Of My Enemy

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 21: Fear Is The Mind Killer

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 22: Didn’t See That Coming

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 23: Famous Architecture

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 24: Suspiciously Like Work

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 25: No One Expects The Lordric Inquisition

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 26: 8 Ranks in Knowledge (Dungeon Design)

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 27: Haute Couture

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 28: Castle Mania?

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 29: Unintended Consequences

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 30: Even More Plusses

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 31: Darn It Jim, I’m A Luck Knight Not A Doctor

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 32: Are We There Yet?

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 33: Stuck Playing Checkers On A 4D Chessboard

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 34: Leap Of Faith

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 35: Use Your Words

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 36: Maybe This Wasn’t Such A Great Idea

Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3: Final Thoughts



Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3: Final Thoughts

Believe it or not Fault did eventually manage to Luck Knight her way through the final boss and I finally got to see what the normal ending of Dark Souls 3 was like (minimalistic but nonetheless touching and nostalgic).

But before we close this project up I just wanted to share a few last thoughts.

Thoughts On The Game

I came into Dark Souls 3 with a lot of baggage from having played both the previous Dark Souls games as well as Demon’s Souls and Bloodborne. This made it very hard to enjoy the game on it’s own merits.

In fact, as I played the game for the first time I found myself feeling disappointed. The plot didn’t quite live up to my expectations and the mechanical changes made to spellcasting meant none of the builds I had planned out in my head worked quite like I expected them to.

Sure, I still beat the game but I wasn’t happy about it. Which was a real tragedy because the game really did have a lot to offer and a lot of things I should have loved.

This is what gave birth to the Luck Knight build. Making a purposefully silly build took my mind off the non-viable builds I had wanted to try and let me enjoy the game for its challenge. Plus knowing ahead of time what to expect from the plot meant I was able to enjoy it for the solid sequel it was instead of being critical of its failure to be as original as, well, the original.

At which point everything clicked and I had fun again.

So final analysis: It’s a fun sequel with challenging and interesting gameplay. The plot was disappointingly straightforward for a FromSoftware adventure game but given this was the second sequel to what was originally meant to be a standalone game I think they really did the best they could.

Thoughts On The Gimmick

Playing with a Luck Knight build focused entirely around the almost useless Luck stat definitely made the game harder than it needed to be, but not nearly as hard as I had worried it would. Admittedly the first two and last two bosses were extremely frustrating but most of the rest of the run was merely pleasantly difficult. I got to see the full move set of every boss (I think) and had to come up with actual strategies for how to dodge and fight. No super tanking or overwhelming bosses so badly they barely had a chance to fight back.

Overall the biggest challenge was the artificially low strength and dexterity I was stuck with due to my silly “no higher than one third of luck” rule. This really crippled Fault’s damage output and severely limited her choice of weapons and shields. She didn’t get a 100% shield until very near the end of the game and she didn’t qualify for any good crowd control weapons until she was far enough in the game she didn’t need them anymore.

Fortunately the existence of luck scaling hollow weapons meant Fault wasn’t completely helpless. But even then I think I was using them wrong. From what I could see Hollow weapons don’t become pure luck scaling weapons, instead they keep their old scaling and then add a small amount of luck on top. So a build with say, 30 dex and 30 luck would probably get a lot more mileage out of a hollow rapier than my 16 dex 50 luck build.

If I were to try and do a serious luck build with no restrictions I probably would have raised my dex to 16 as soon as possible in order to get access to the Uchigatana you can loot from the crazed swordsman outside the main shrine. It’s a decent weapon with bleed damage (which scales with Luck!). I would then raise my strength high enough to use a 100% shield and from there on out I’d raise Dex and Luck evenly. The high dex would boost my damage while the high luck would boost my drops and eventually add even more damage once I got access to hollow imbuing.

I would also probably stay hollow for the extra luck bonus on hollow weapons and maybe even give the Anri questline a go in order to get access to his super luck sword.

But like I said, being a Luck Knight wasn’t about trying to make a good lucky character. It was about playing the game on my own mildly disgruntled terms and winning anyways. Which I did.

So do I regret this run? Not at all.

Would I suggest it to anyone else? Not really.

Are people on the Internet going to try it anyways? Probably.

Thoughts On My Art

After comparing my first few entries to my last few entries I think it’s safe to say I’ve gotten better at drawing. But I think it’s also safe to say that better is not the same as good.

This isn’t particularly surprising. Two months of daily practice doesn’t even add up to a full 100 hours of work.

Still, I did figure out the basics of how my tablet and drawing software work and managed to develop at least a little hand eye coordination. I still have a long way to go but they say every journey begins with a single step and I just took 36 of them.

I guess the next step then is to move beyond casual doodling and start trying to develop some sort of actual consistent cartoon style. Maybe practice a little figure drawing.

Either way Dark Souls 3 is over, so we’re going to need a new source of inspirations. And while it will probably be a week or two before I start posting the next series I guess you do all at least deserve a hint.

Let’s just say that there was a point where the Elder Scrolls were merely middle aged.


Let’s Illustrate Dark Souls 3 Part 36: Maybe This Wasn’t Such A Great Idea

Approaching the Firelink shrine bonfire after retrieving all the cinders allows you to kneel and receive the combined power of all the lords. This has no actual gameplay benefit but it does allow you to teleport to the kiln of the First Flame at which point you save the world by tossing a few more logs on the fire.

Or not. Seems like the Fire is guarded by the “Soul of Cinder”, which wields the combined strength of every hero to have ever linked the flame. That means it can literally do everything you can but better: Swordplay, pyromancy, sorcery and miracles.

Killing it doesn’t even end the fight. The boss just switches to a more godly fighting style full of fire and lightning and you have to kill it a second time.

The Soul of Cinder hits hard enough to blow through your guard and most of its attacks are sweeping 300 degree arcs that require near-perfect timing and positioning to dodge.

There is no gimmick. There is no secret. This boss is brutal even with a good build and I’m stuck playing as a Luck Knight.

I was going to try and draw a dramatic battle scene but somehow this felt more appropriate

I was going to try and draw a dramatic battle scene but somehow this felt more appropriate